Wednesday, December 9, 2009



with Michelle Fleming, E-RYT and Siri Kaur Khalsa

Sanctuary of Plymouth
47 main Street
Plymouth, MA
774 454 7290

Course Fees:
$45 per workshop, $40 pre-registration if paid by January 1, 2010
$400 for the entire program
Fridays 6:30-9:30pm
Sundays 2:30-5:30pm
Wednesdays 6:30-9:00pm

This 12 part, 1 month session will change your body, your yoga practice and your life!
Based on Tom Myers' "Anatomy Trains" unique view of the body as an interconnected series of muscles and bones that extend from one end to the other, we will work with the fascial lines of the body to open up tight areas like never before.
Yin yoga, vinyasa flow, anatomy instruction, myofascial release techniques, Thai massage, meridian yoga, partner bodywork, and inverted massage will all be utilized to bring a sense of ease and flow to the system.
Starting with the most superficial planes and working progressively deeper throughout the month, the body will open and you will experience the "knee bones connected to the thigh bone" like you have never imagined.
The program is designed to do as an immersion and works best if all 12 sessions are attended but individual sessions can be attended space permitting. Experienced yogis and beginners are all encouraged and welcome to attend.

Week 1:
Focus: Prana: opening to the breathe
Superficial front line/back line in action
Introduction to the abdominal muscles
Building appropriate vinyasa flow
Intention setting
A deeper look at back pain
Anatomy of the chakras

Friday Jan 15th:
Superficial Front line w/Michelle
Sunday Jan 17th:
Superficial Back Line w/Michelle Fleming
Wednesday Jan 20th:
SFL/SBL myofascial release and anatomy of the chakras w/Siri

Week 2:
Focus: Thai Massage and inverted partner work
Shoulder opening like never before
Arm lines

Friday Jan 22nd:
Thai Massage, and inverted partner work w/Michelle
Sunday Jan 24th:
Shoulder Clinic w/Michelle Fleming
Wednesday Jan 27th:
Myofascial release of the shoulders, arms and wrists

Week 3:
Focus: Side body: Lateral Lines
Spiral Lines and twists
Moon Salute
PNF work
Apana: introduction to the digestion and elimination systems
Meridian yoga

Friday Jan 29th:
Meridian yoga, PNF release work, intro to lateral lines and moon salutation w/Michelle
Sunday Jan 31st:
Spiral lines: twisting, detox flow and Kriyas and Agni sara w/Michelle
Wednesday February 3rd:
Myofascial release of side and spiral body w/Siri

Week 4:
Focus: Activation of the abdominals
circuit training
serious hip opening
fire salute
Deep Front Line

Friday February 5th:
Awakening of the abs, tightness drills, inversions, yoga strength training and circuit drills w/Michelle
Sunday February 7th:
Abdominal strengthening and release Forrest style, anatomy of the psoas and deep hip release, and Fire Salutation w/ Michelle
Wednesday February 10th:
Myofascial release of DFL w/Siri, closing

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